From the Rectory

I hope you are enjoying the season of Lent and most importantly making some time to be with God. Now we move into the month of March and as we progress a lot is happening.

This month we celebrate Mothering Sunday when we give thanks for home and family and those who care for us. Soon after Passiontide begins which leads to Palm Sunday when we bless the Palm Crosses which remind us of Jesus’ entry into Jerusalem. This day also marks the beginning of Holy Week a very important week in the Christian calendar.

On Maundy Thursday we commemorate the Last Supper Jesus had with his disciples. Then on Good Friday  we feel something of the sorrow of loss, an emptiness which cries out with Jesus in his last agony. The horrendous event of the Crucifixion teaches us the reality of God’s love – we are confronted of the truth of who we are but consoled with the truth that Jesus is for ever one with our suffering world.

Even as we grieve, we give thanks, for two days later the hidden glory of Good Friday will be made known to the world for it is Easter.

EASTER DAY Christ calls us to share in his resurrection life. Jesus invites us to trust in resurrection and the power of love. It is the most important and joyful day of the Christian year. A day when flowers fill the church with colour. The centuries old cry, “Alleluia Christ is risen!” is met with the response, “He is risen indeed, Alleluia!” along with those great hymns of Easter.

If we experience the Lord’s resurrection in our lives, we can live with the complete assurance of God’s care for us. More than that, we can live in hope, knowing that no amount of pain is beyond redemption. We can live in hope of our resurrection to new life – and we can live in the certainty that evil may win some battles, but God has already won the war.

With every blessing,


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