Simeon Bowen-Fanstone

Simeon Bowen-Fanstone

A Message from the Treasurer

I think that Christmas at St. Bertoline’s 2024 was rather special. Mind you, I suspect I say that every year! The church looked just wonderful with the vast and imaginative array of flower arrangements. There was such a warm and…

From the Rectory

When a couple is expecting their first child, the father and mother-to-be often discuss the changes that they will have to make in their pattern of living, and the differences another person in the house will make. Yet, parents will…

From the Rectory

“See I am making all things new” Those words come from the Book of Wisdom. The natural world shows forth God’s power to restore and renew. Autumn by autumn the leaves fall from the trees. “In the eyes of the…

From The Rectory

It is a year since the The Sycamore Gap tree was cut down close to Hadrian’s Wall in Northumberland. This 150 year old tree was a very popular landmark and caused outrage and much anger at its illegal felling. In…

From the Rectory

Dare I say this ? But in the Book of Common Prayer there is a prayer for Rain part of which says “Send us, we beseech thee, in this our necessity, such moderate rain and showers”. A prayer which follows…

From the Rectory

One of the best inventions must be antibiotics developed by Alexander Fleming in 1928 which have saved thousands of lives. It was an invention which might never have happened. Fleming left a dish of bacteria on a bench in his…

From the Rectory

I hope you are enjoying the season of Lent and most importantly making some time to be with God. Now we move into the month of March and as we progress a lot is happening. This month we celebrate Mothering…